What is Blue Flag?

10 11, 2023

In a sentence, The Blue Flag it means quality. It is an award given to beaches that meet a series of quality criteria, safety, hygiene, providing services and caring for the environment. They can be granted to ports and even boats, the latter from 2016.

Spain is the leader of the 49 countries that use this system to measure the quality of beaches since 1987. It has a total of 696 blue flags, of which 68 correspond to Alicante.

What other flags can I find on the Spanish beach?

In addition to the Blue Flag, there are several types of flags to consider on the Spanish beach.

The most common flags are those that indicate the state of the beach; the green color means that the bathroom is allowed, the yellow color means you have to be careful, and the red color means that bathing is prohibited. These notices must be followed to the letter; no matter how calm the sea seems, especially in the east of Spain, there is always the danger of sea surf, which is not visible to the naked eye, but it can be very dangerous.

Furthermore, there is a black flag, indicating that a beach has been closed due to poor sea and sand conditions and presents a health hazard.
There is also the flag that indicates the presence of jellyfish, unmistakable because it carries a picture of jellyfish on a white background. If there are too many jellyfish (more than 20 stings per hour), this flag will turn red.
A flag with black and white squares means that that area of the beach is a surf area and, thus, is prohibited. On the other hand, a yellow flag with a black dot means that boats and surfboards are prohibited.
A white and blue flag means that there is an immersion in progress and, thus, that the beach in question is a diving area.
In the end, a pennant is used to indicate strong winds and recommends not using inflatables.

Which beaches in Torrevieja have the Blue Flag?
Torrevieja was awarded six Blue Flags last year, being the second municipality in Alicante with more Blue Flags, right after Orihuela.
The awarded beaches were:
• Playa del Cura
• Playa de La Mata
• Playa Cala de Cabo Cervera
• Playa Cala de las Piteras
• Playa El Salaret
• Playa de Poniente